Risk-Logic Vision
For further information contact: Clif Ericson
Phone: (540) 786-3777
Email: clifton.ericson@verizon.net
- Mishap risk will always exist.
- Mechanical and electrical components will eventually fail as a result of ageing and wear.
- Humans will eventually error; human error is a consequence of natural human fallibility .

Solution: System Safety

- Mishaps and risk can be controlled through System Safety.
- Create a safe system by intentionally designing safety into the overall system fabric .
- Proactively prevent product/system accidents and mishaps through design safety.
- Identify and eliminate/control hazards.
- Design and develop a system presenting minimal mishap risk.

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@2010 Website by Donne DiFiglia for Clifton Ericson II
Website Created by Donne DiFiglia ©2010
Photos by: Clifton Ericsonr & Donne DiFiglia ©2010